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工作區域 15.jpg
// 定期體育賽事Live //
🎾 四大網球公開賽(美網除外)
🏀 NBA季後總冠軍賽

 // Opening hours //
Mon - Sat 12:00pm ~ 8:30pm
Sunday     12:00pm ~ 6:30pm
☎️ (02)2521-9192 平日歡迎電話訂位
●捷運:中山國小站2號出口  ●開車:錦州街13巷進入
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About us

About Us

Aussie Cafe 澳氏咖啡成立於2015年04月25日,我們的創店初衷其實非常的簡單,就是希望每個去過澳洲的朋友能夠在此回憶起曾經,在旅行的過程中無意間看到了一句話......




  當時還不知道這句話是誰說的,但卻啟發了我思考該如何成為有價值的人,希望藉由自己在澳洲打工旅行渡假的經驗讓更多人了解Working Holiday的真正目的及了解我們在那的喜怒哀樂,遇到不同的人事物,得到不同以往的工作經驗或許很多人會覺得在那的工作在台灣也能做,但重點不是什麼工作,而是是否有改變的勇氣、創新的想法換個環境會看到不一樣的世界,不管出國的目的為何,但我們共同學習到的是「執行」的重要性當下定決心離開舒適圈換個全新陌生的環境時就已經得到了看不到的東西了,那就是......





Auusie Café started on 4/25/2015, the reason we started our store is very simple. We hope everyone that has been to Australia can use our store as a place to remember the things you been through in Australia. While I was traveling I saw a sentence by accident “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value”. I didn’t know who said that during that trip, but it inspired me to think how I can make myself to become a man of value. I hope I can use my personal experience while working in Australia to let more people know the true meaning of working holiday and the emotions of sadness, happiness, and madness living in a foreign place.

A lot of people might think why work in Australia when you can get the same job in Taiwan, but the point is not the job it’s whether you have the courage to adopt the change and be creative Meeting different people we get different working experience. We see a different world in a different environment and we learn the ability of making things happen while traveling. When you make the decision of getting out of your comfort zone and travel to a foreign place you already learned an important ability that is “courage”. We hope everyone that comes to our place can remember the reason of you getting out of the comfort zone. For those who haven’t been to a foreign place can enjoy a good time at our store and understand more about backpackers, and Australia by reading our story. After opening our store I met a lot of people and heard their stories, so it felt like I’m still a backpacker that met people from different countries and understand more about their cultures. I’m really happy that I can continue this thought and I hope everyone can make their dreams happen.” You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you that you can’t do it. If you want something? Go get it. Period.”





費用計算 Cost

● 營業時間:星期一至五 12pm ~ 9pm / 星期六、日 10am ~ 9pm

● 非營業時段:NT$1500/hr
● 營業時段:NT$2000/hr
● 超時費用:超過原先預租之時限15分鐘以上,費用即以「1小時」計算

● 訂金:總金額之50% ( 以上皆未稅,如需開發票請另行告知 )

假日可場租時間:「11 : 30以前」及「17 :00 以後」(影片拍攝請另外洽詢)

提供設備 Equipment

● 前方80吋投影機(內建喇叭)、後方 100吋投影機(內建喇叭),兩台可同步播放。
● 音響設備(AUX。隨身碟。CD)。
● 免費「Wifi及插座」。
● 容納人數:約36人。
● 室內坪數:約27坪。
● 設有「戶外坐位吸煙區」。

● 如需提供餐點飲料,請事先告知並點餐。
● 如帶外食需斟收清潔費$1,500。

● 桌椅可搬動變更,結束後需負責還原至原樣。

● 店內物品如使用到餐具、餐盤、水杯 ...... 等亦需收取「清潔費$1,500」。


Store Location

停車場 Parking

(1)  錦州街13巷巷口 ( 停車塔 )  ( 步行約 1 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

(2) 永盛公園停車場 ( 地下停車場 )  ( 步行約 5 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

(3) 薇閣精品旅館停車場 ( 地上停車場 )  ( 步行約 5 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

​(4) 嘟嘟房停車場 ( 地上停面停車場 ) (步行約 1 分鐘 ) 點我 Google Map 導航

捷運 Metro

(1) 中山國小站 2 號出口  ( 步行約 5 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

(2) 民權西路站 7 號出口  ( 步行約 7 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

(3) 雙連站 2 號出口          ( 步行約 9 分鐘 )  點我 Google Map 導航

公車 Bus

(1) 民權中山路口 站牌 ( 步行約 5 分鐘 )  41、63、211、225、226、227、261、280、617、紅29、紅31、紅32  點我 Google Map 導航

(2) 捷運中山國小 站牌 ( 步行約 10 分鐘 )  5、63、74、225、286副、542、643、680、685、棕1  點我 Google Map 導航

(3) 新興國中 站牌 ( 步行約2分鐘 ) 208、211、246、638、811、紅33  點我 Google Map 導航

微笑單車 Youbike

台北市中山區新興公園租借站 ( 步行約 1 分鐘 ) 點我 Google Map 導航

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